The Privatising Industry in Europe An interesting read. Does privatisation work? What do the results say; Is it enough for the state to get rid of enterprises? If they are profitable why do so and if they are not, why would someone buy them? Personaly, I am for enterpreneurship, which in Greece has gotten to be… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Article
Lost chances for growth and Greek Geo Data
The Greek company responsible for the land registry, Ktimatologio S.A., has created an amazing toolbox for open geo data that cover Greece, using taxpayer money. The orthophotographs used are of better quality than those used in Google Maps and Microsoft Bing Maps. However, in contast with the tools provided by Google and Microsoft, Greek companies… Read more »
Moving money and the ECB error
I am one of those people who believe money is simply a useful tool and it must be in circulation for the economy to be healthy. Since money isn’t moving, but just accumulated, there is no healthy economy. Some might jump the wagon and say that money is not really accumulated, but it is used in… Read more »
Formulating policies vs populism.
Formulation of policies, when passed through a citizens’ “popularity” filter, is a form of populism. What is populism? It is telling citizens exactly what they want to hear, despite what you believe is right for the society as a whole. Some times, your position can be inline with what the majority wants, sometimes not. Your… Read more »
Copy Culture in the US and Germany
Copy Culture in the US and Germany is a comparative study of digital culture, focusing on media consumption, media acquisition, and attitudes toward copyright enforcement. The study is based on a large-scale phone survey of Americans and Germans in late 2011. Read/download the full report here. Get a PDF of the US infographic or the German infographic. Some core US… Read more »
Pirates: The “stupidity” of imagination…
A few months ago, the Prime Minister of Greece while addressing the youth of his political party, said that their dreams should be “grounded”. Yesterday, during a conversation with people saying they were liberals (they weren’t, trust me), I heard that Imagination is stupidity. Only reality matters. There is nothing more dangerous than smothering peoples’ dreams…. Read more »
TTIP. What don’t you get?
These last few days, I had an interesting conversation regarding TTIP with various anonymous users on the net. It became obvious how different we, Pirates, view basic things. Where I see culture and choice, the other sees money and property. Where I see people and learning opportunities, the other sees work hours and profit. I… Read more »
State of corruption.
Greece now has a little less than 1,5 million unemployed. Most of them are now long term unemployed and only a small percentage are seasonal workers. All around Europe, unemployement is on the rise, especialy youth unemployment. Why is this happening? Although this country is a special case, the trend seems to be the same… Read more »
#TTIP. Not too late…
TTIP is the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Its purpose is to lift the barriers for further trade development between the European Union and the United States of America. Although I agree with the basic principle there are some problems: It is negotiated behind closed doors. There is little official information so we rely on… Read more »